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Drupal Community of Practice @ EC and EUIBAs
  • News article
  • 3 July 2024
  • Directorate-General for Digital Services
  • 2 min read

OpenEuropa Library Talk #4: How to elevate your (OpenEuropa) contribution with automated tests

In the latest OpenEuropa Library Talks, we delved into automated testing, including types, best practices, and real-world applications within Open Europa projects and the Drupal community. 

Title Presentation of the OEL Talk Number 4

Welcome to the latest session of OpenEuropa Library Talks, your hub for engaging discussions, insightful presentations, and lightning sessions focused on the Europa IT Platform. 

In our recent session of OEL Talks, the focus was on automated testing, a critical aspect of ensuring robust software solutions within the OpenEuropa framework and Drupal community.

Adam Nagy is a web developer with over 10 years of experience in high-impact projects across Europe. As a Senior Drupal Consultant for the European Commission, he develops components for OpenEuropa and the Europa Web Publishing Platform, the European Commission main web communication tool, supporting with his team over 170+ Commission sites. He is an active Drupal contributor and module maintainer, sharing his expertise and insights with the community. 

Insights on Automated Testing

Nagy delved into the core of automated testing in OpenEuropa projects, by emphasising the need to test system intentions rather than mere implementations, highlighting the need for tailored testing approaches aligned with application complexities. 

Bug fix without test is just a workaround. 

Practical examples were shared to illustrate the tangible benefits of automated testing. These included scenarios where automated testing played a crucial role in bug detection, enhancing software quality, and making significant contributions to the Drupal community. Statistical data and illustrative diagrams further demonstrated the evolving value and efficiency gains derived from systematic testing practices over time. 

The session further explored the diverse types of automated testing available within Drupal. These encompassed unit, kernel, functional, functional JavaScript, Behat and existing site tests. Concrete examples from OpenEuropa modules and the EWPP project were showcased, demonstrating effective testing methodologies leveraging frameworks like PHPUnit and Mink extensions. 

Navigating Pitfalls and Best Practices

Critical aspects such as maintaining code quality and adopting best practices were also discussed. This included seamless integration of testing into development cycles, embracing continuous integration, and prioritising comprehensive end-to-end testing for holistic validation. The emphasis on readability and safeguarding information integrity underscored a comprehensive approach to establishing sustainable testing frameworks. 

The session was concluded with an interactive Q&A session, where participants engaged in discussions on diverse topics. These ranged from effective testing management strategies across projects to handling complex content types and identifying best practices within OpenEuropa components. 

Participants gained valuable insights and practical strategies that underscored the crucial role of automated testing in improving software reliability and scalability in dynamic open-source projects. 

If you would like to know more about the topic, please check the following link

Join us every Tuesday at 16:00 for regular OEL Talks to collaborate, learn and innovate across diverse roles and expertise areas. 


Publication date
3 July 2024
Directorate-General for Digital Services


adam [dot] nagyatext [dot] ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Monika [dot] VLADIMIROVAatec [dot] europa [dot] eu